谢家湾小学创建于1957年,重庆市首批示范小学,目前拥有“一校四区”的办学格局,在校师生4000余人。学校先后获得“中澳音乐实验学校”、“全国教育系统先进单位”、“全国群众体育先进集体”、 “全国德育工作示范学校”等40多项省级以上荣誉和称号。 学校办学五十几年来,始终坚持孩子的发展是学校的灵魂,把孩子的立场、体验、收获作为一切工作的出发点和归宿。学校深入践行“六年影响一生”的办学理念,结合重庆地域精神特色和素质教育的核心要义,创造性地组织实施“红梅花儿开,朵朵放光彩”主题型学校文化战略,通过在价值文化、课程文化、管理文化、教师文化、学生文化、环境文化六个方面全方位深入实施,从教育观念、教育技术、教育方法三方面努力构建了与整个理念相适应的管理体系,形成了鲜明的学校文化特色,在全国范围内产生了深远的影响。 在“六年影响一生”办学理念的浸润下,老师们阳光坦荡、和谐开放,在文化育人中享受教育人生;在“红梅花儿开朵朵放光彩”主题型学校文化的滋养下,孩子们按照自己的优势去发展,形成了阳光自信、落落大方、多才多艺的群体特质,在艺术、体育、科技等方面得到全面发展。孩子们带着原创的合唱、舞蹈、诵读等节目远赴日本、白俄罗斯、欧洲等地交流演出。近年来,学校接待了英国、加拿大、日本、韩国、新加坡以及国内各省市的专家领导参观交流近300余团次,办学实践在亚洲艺术教育论坛、中国教育学会年会、中国教育科学论坛、京沪校长论坛等国际国内会议上专题交流。 伴随着高品位华润谢家湾小学的诞生,谢家湾小学将通过理念的引领、体制的探索、格局的拓展,更加理性、系统、深入地践行“六年影响一生”的办学理念,让“红梅花儿开,朵朵放光彩”主题文化促进学生更好地个性化发展,天天快乐,健康飞翔。 Xiejiawan Primary School was set up in 1957, which was one of the first sample schools of Chongqing. It was separated into 4 different branch schools with more than 4,000 students and teachers. We have been keeping a thought of “Students’ development is the school’s soul”, and taking student’s experience and profit as our standpoint and goal. We run the school with a theory of “Six years last a life time.”, and creatively set up a cultural strategic theme of “The red plum is in full blossom, in which every flower is glowing.”, which will be deeply fulfilled from 6 kinds of culture, which are value, educating, managing, teacher, student and environment. It has constructed a managing system according to the educating theory, skills and methods matching with the entire theme, and influenced the whole country with a distinguished school culture. Having a theory of “Six years last a life time”, the teachers are frank and open-minded, enjoying their educational life in teaching the culture. The cultural strategic theme of “The red plum in full blossom, in which every flower is glowing” makes the students developing themselves according to their own natures. They are talented, confident, natural and graceful, and have a lot of achievement in art, sport and science etc. The students toured to Japan, Belarus and other countries in Europe with their original performance of chorus, dances, songs and poems. In the recent years, there were more than 300 delegations of experts and leaders visiting our school from UK, Canada, Japan, Korea, Singapore and all over China. The managing method of our school was recommended on some domestic and international exchanging meetings as Asia Education Forum, China Education Annual Conference, China Educational Science Forum, and Beijing and Shanghai Headmasters Forum etc. With the establishment of higher-quality Xiejiawan Resources Primary School, we will practice our school philosophy----“Six years last a lifetime” rationally, systemically, and profoundly, and let our theme culture----“The red plum is in full blossom in which every flower is glowing.” promotes students’ unique development, so that they can “Happy every day, healthy flying.” |